Sunday, August 29, 2010

Seal stories

When examining a new certificate I always look for the presence of a seal. I hope a remarkable scenery will be present on it. Some of these seals are so striking that they can not possibly be overlooked at. Others, the embossed ones, are hardly noticeable but can just be as surprising as well.
(tip: double-click the images for more details)

Gold paper seal, embossed after being attached to the document
Texas Short Line Railway Company, 1902

In the Middle Ages, seals were made on bee wax. They were used for guaranteeing authenticity of documents and for sealing closed documents. On shares and bonds, seals are also used for authentication. More, the presence of a beautifull gold paper seal, serving as a quality label, helped issuers to attract potential buyers. Seals were also meant to make it more difficult to counterfeit a certificate. Sometimes, they were also used as proof that obligatory taxes were paid.
Seals on certificates can show the name of the issuer, a pictorial emblem representing the issuer such as a coat of arms, an incorporation date, or a picture of the kind of activity that was involved.
Seal integrated in the print design
RCA Corporation (specimen) 1977

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reference catalogue : Spanish Royal and Private Trading Companies from Spain in the 18th Century

I will occasionally briefly describe a reference book or catalogue in my postings.

  • Title : Historische Wertpapiere der Spanischen Königlichen und privaten Handelsgesellschaften des 18. Jahrhunderts
  • Authors : Alexander Kipfer
  • ID: ISBN 3-89228-533-0, published by Haag und Herchen, 1991
  • Languages : German
  • Number of pages : 192
  • Images : black & white, about 100 illustrations
  • Indexes : alphabetic register on page 39 , but companies ordered in section 2 by date of incorporation

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reference catalogue : Ottoman Empire and Turkey, Share certificates and Bonds, 1854-1938

  • Title : Historische Wertpapiere, Band V, Ottomanisches Kaiserreich und Türkei - Aktien und Anleihen, 1854-1938
  • Authors : Drumm, Henseler, Glasemann
  • ID: without publication number, published by Freunde Historischer Wertpapiere, 1983
  • Languages : German, introductions also in English and French
  • Number of pages : 237
  • Images : black & white, on average 1 per 2 pages
  • Indexes : alphabetic, but main ordering consists of 2 sections : 1. shares (by date), 2. bonds (by date)
This catalogue includes certificates from private companies and issued by the Ottoman state.