- Title: German Dollar Bonds issued between 1924 and 1937
- Author : F. Paul Seabrook
- ID : no ISBN number
- Languages : English, but with main index also in German
- Number of pages : 229
- Images : more than a 100 large color images
- Index : index by category, alphabetical index (also in German)
In 1924 Charles C. Dawes recommended in his "Dawes plan" that the German industry should be re-constructed by means of borrowed capital from abroad. Within a few years, the bonded debt issued by German organizations totalled over $1,500,000,000. Today, many of these bonds still exist unvalidated and uncancelled. In this comprehensive reference work author F. Paul Seabrook descibes 156 German Dollar bond issues in great detail including date of issue, denominations, amount cancelled, amount validated, amount uncancelled, purpose of the loan and much more.
- Introduction
- Notes and Glossary
- Index-Category
- Index-Alphabetical
- Individual entries by the following categories : Government, States, Utilities, Cities, Banks, Industrials, Churches, German Issues - primary listing in Holland, German Sterling/Dollar listed in London
- Appendix : Brokers, Issuing Housses and Paying Agents - Dutch Section - Validation Comment - Validation List - Buybacks - Dollar Loans, Privately Placed - Internal Dollar Issues, a shorte note - Bibliography, Dealer and Auction House Links
Mr. Glasemann, financial history researcher and author of books like this one, also contributed to the work. He can tell you more about the German Dollar Bonds book on his own site here.
The book, a large format one, is worthwile and covers an unusual topic in our hobby.