Thursday, February 23, 2012

Book : Tradition and innovation - Swiss economic history on securities certificates

  • Title : Tradition and innovation - Swiss economic history on securities certificates
  • Authors : Dagmar Schönig
  • ID : no ISBN applicable, published by Wertpapierwelt, 2007
  • Languages : German and English version available
  • Number of pages : 127
  • Images : color images, almost on every page
  • Indexes : no indexes, certificates are grouped by chapter

This small format book is actually an exhibition catalogue that was published by Wertpapierwelt for the 2007 exhibition bearing the same name. Swiss scripophily is not so frequently seen on international auctions. This book will certainly give you an idea what is there to discover and provides a good introduction into Switzerland's economic history. Interesting for both advanced and starting collectors. 


  • Commerce
  • Industry
  • Raw materials and energy
  • Banking and finance
  • Transportation
  • Tourism, culture and leisure
  • Foods and luxury foods
  • Crafts and social issues

I believe the book is still available at Wertpapierwelt.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Poll Results - Age of scripophily collectors

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Mark Twain

Are there more young people entering our hobby ? How would a scripophily population pyramid look like? These questions were the motivation to do a poll about the age of the collector.

Siemens Elektrische Betriebe Aktiengesellschaft
detail  from lower border, see below

Results of the poll
This was the question : I am a scripophily collector and my age is .. ?
  • less than 25 years
  • between 25 and 34 years
  • between 35 and 44 years
  • between 45 and 54 years
  • between 55 and 64 years
  • between 65 and 74 years
  • 75 years or more

Here are the results :

So far, this was the best attended poll with not less than 88 votes. Thank you for your participation !