Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reference catalogue : Zoological garden companies - Development and Finance History

I will occasionally briefly describe a reference book or catalogue in my postings.

front cover of the Schmitz Metzger catalogue on securities of Zoo companies

  • Title : Zoologische Gärten als Kapitalgesellschaften - Geschichtliche Entwicklung und Finanziering
  • Authors : Armin Schmitz und Arne Metzger
  • ID: ISBN 3-9806401-2-4, published by Verlag der Antik Effekten GMBH, 2000
  • Languages : German, English
  • Number of pages : 192
  • Images : mostly in color, about 100 illustrations
  • Indexes : by location
This great work contains images of certificates and descriptions, both in German and English, of zoos in :
Germany, USA, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Poland, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, UK, Luxembourg, Italy, Austria


  1. In what language is this book printed? Thank you

  2. Hi Wade,

    The book is bilingual. Texts are written both in German and English.
    Thank you for the question

