New online scripophily articles and references, July 2012
The current footprint of scripophily on the Internet
About a year ago, see
here, I googled the word scripophily with the following outcomes :
- Number of web links : 470000 (50% related to Ebay)
- Number of images : 92900
- YouTube video's : 26
I repeated that exercise two weeks ago :
- Number of web links: 623000 (40% related to Ebay), or +32%
- Number of images : 135000, or +45%
- YouTube videos : 34, or +31%
Fairly impressive growth rates! More people write about our hobby and they do it more often. The scripophily content on the Internet is only a footprint created by an online community: the tip of an iceberg.
Shares and Bonds from Czechoslovakia
Jiří Jaroš has been active on the Internet for some time now. Here you can find his impressive online catalogue on Czechoslovak securities. Thank you for sharing with us!
Book on the art and history of banknote engraving in the United States
CoinsWeekly reports about
The Feel of Steel by Mark D. Tomasko. Many techniques for banknote engraving are used in security printing. Read more about this new book
Australian Mining Standard 1913
You can find a bundling of articles from The Australian Mining Standard, originally published between January and June 1913, here. On the left of the web page, click the PDF link to view the document. Size about 120 MB's, so depending on your network connection speed, it may take a while before it is downloaded. Though the majority of the articles are related to mining companies, you will discover many others related to oil companies, banks, electric utilities, tramways, et cetera.
War bonds for everyone
A smal but interesting story about American war bonds and stamp books, told by the Museum of American Finance, see
![front cover of der AktienSammler magazine depicting a share of the Spiezer Verbindungsbahn]( |
double-click to enlarge |
der aktiensammler
In addition to the articles above, the latest June 2012 No.3/12 issue of
der aktiensammler magazine, contains the following stories (in German) :
Assignaten - die Finanzalchemie der Franzosen, English : Assignats - paper money from the French Revolution (part 9 in a series on the evolution of money)
Die Ebay-Spekulation läuft und läuft, in English: Ongoing speculation on Ebay
Ebay- und Auktionsrenner : Die Obligationen der Zwangsanleihen Jérômes, or in English : The napoleonic forced loan bonds of the Kingdom of Westphalia
Die Deutschen Werkstätten Hellerau : Erschwingliches "Schöner Wohnen", freely translated : German Workshops Hellerau : affordable design furniture
Die Deutschen Werkstätten-Aktie aus kunsthistorischem Blickwinkel, English : The share of the Deutsche Werkstätten from an art historic perspective
other periodical topics : Auction Reviews, Collector's Portrait, Events Calendar, Classifieds